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Kenley Bramall
By McKenna Cunningham

     There is a time that all students must face when they’ve completed their educational journey: entering the workforce. Some dread it, but there are those few who stride confidently into the next chapter.

     Kenley Bramall credits her time in the AECT department with preparing her for her new career position with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Bramall graduated from the University of Arkansas in 2020 with degrees in Agricultural Business and Agricultural Communications. Following her graduation, Bramall said she was eager to jump into a new challenge and put her skills to the test.

     “I guess you could say the job found me,” Bramall said. “I spent a lot of my time as a student going out of my way to network with lots of people.”

     As a farm loan program technician, Bramall covers a wide range of responsibilities in her daily tasks. From something as basic as customer service, to more complex challenges such as loan servicing, Bramall said she has found a great fit for her passions and expertise.

     “Although my job is more focused in business, the skills I learned through my AECT classes apply to so many aspects of my job,” Bramall said. “From basic communications skills, to preparing memos for the state office, I have experience in everything.”

     Working with the USDA is an accomplishment for any student who is passionate about agriculture. Bramall said it was always a goal to work within the organization and urges other students to recognize that they can too.

     “I would encourage other students to build their networks and be involved both in and outside the classroom,” Bramall said. “You never know what opportunities those networks could create.”

      Bramall is one of those special few who not only prepared to stride into her future…but dove in headfirst.

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